Monday, February 27, 2012


     I bought my first sailboat in October of last year(2011) and have been restoring it ever since. It's a 13' AMF Alcort Puffer, from my research, I'm pretty sure that mine was one of the first ones off the line built in 1972 or early '73. So far I have refinished all the wood pieces, built a new thwart seat, began fiberglass repair, bought and repaired a trailer, and there's still more to do before sailing season!
     The photo above was taken on the first day I had the boat. I loaded it into the bed of my F-150 and headed straight for Cecil M. Harden Reservoir, more commonly known as Raccoon Lake. It was an awesome 80 degree fall day in Southern Indiana. Breezy Monday, clear lake, shining sun, perfection.  

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